The Member Alignment Program that Bullseye CX developed really got our staff thinking what drives our members purchase decisions. Bullseye CX has helped us achieve some great trading results with profits that have not been enjoyed for years. "
We knew that great service would drive our business forward, BullsEye CX creates a tangible structure that binds together a range of customer service tactics. The Service Blueprinting program allowed us to identify what members really want in a service-package and gave us a tool to measure changes in customer satisfaction. "
The Program developed by BullsEye CX really gave me a better understanding of which customers were walking away from my business. The “reconnecting lost members” program provided a great ROI and impacted positively on our profit. "
Bullseye CX’s MaCSEER yielded valuable insights into improving the customer experience for our members across the Mounties Group. Of particular value was Bullseye CX’s work around Employee Engagement that revealed opportunities to improve our front-line service capability. "